We're glad to say that we're on schedule with our EGM plans and today we're able to provide the motion upon which members can cast their vote at the meeting on 23rd July.
There are two parts of further reading associated to the motion. One, is the information we've already shared on what a Trust is and why we're proposing it. The second is ths standard Model Rules we must adopt to allow us to register with the Financial Conduct Authortity and therefore become a Trust. These were provided by the Football Supporters' Association who advised us not to amend or add policies to the model rules until after we convert to a Trust. It's a smoother process, apparently.
The Elected Committee of RAWA, after consultation with the co-opted representatives and the membership, are proposing to convert RAWA into a Community Benefit Society, commonly known as a Supporter's Trust.
More information on what a Trust is, how it will work and why you should vote in favour are outlined in this article on our website and can be discussed at the meeting.
We have broken down our proposal into four component parts that each require your vote.
1) That Red and White Army (RAWA) convert to a Community Benefit Society (CBS) and adopt the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) model rules provided by the Football Supporters' Association (FSA). And that the model rules will replace and dissolve the existing RAWA constitution upon completion of registration with the FCA. You can read the model rules here.
2) Upon conversion, the newly formed CBS will affiliate as a Supporters Trust to the Football Supporters' Association
3) Membership subscription is set at £5 per year and, if feasible, a mechanism is put in place to allow members to pay more should they wish to do so (regardless of how much any one member pays, the model rules state one-member-one-vote).
4) The current elected committee of RAWA oversees the transition and commits to holding an AGM at the earliest opportunity.
In preparation for the AGM we're aiming to meet the following timeline;-
Provide the motion to members - 1st July - Done!
Open registration for attendance to members and provide info on how to vote by proxy - 9th July
Proxy votes and registrations close - 21st July
Send Zoom details to registered attendees - 22nd July
EGM - 23rd July