The Red and White Army Supporters' Trust is an independent, democratic and inclusive supporters group that aims to provide a voice for our membership.
We seek to represent our members and try to reflect the views of Sunderland supporters through structured meetings with decision makers at the Club.
We aim to assist SAFC as much as possible and to positively influence aspects of how the Club is run, through constructive feedback from our members.
Through continued dialogue, an appropriate level
of trust and transparency can be fostered
between the ownership and the fans.

Song: Syn Cole - Time [NCS Release]
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds
Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/Time
Watch: http://youtu.be/XDNFAujgJb0
Roker End
we raised £10K to produce flags and other material and artwork with the aim of enhancing the identity of the Roker End and it's "singing section". Thanks to the overwhelming generosity of Sunderland fans the target was reached swiftly and has been the catalyst for an atmosphere group to form. We are very grateful to the volunteers who help out with the Flags every home game.